Saturday, January 3, 2015

Stretching Tight Leg Muscles

It’s best to stretch your leg muscles 3 to 5 times for 20 seconds at a time. Let’s have a look at different stretches for each of the main muscles of the leg. You must always start stretching the larger muscles first. Do not stretch muscles when they are cold, as they are less effective to stretch. A good warmup is ideal before stretching, as it helps get the blood and circulation going through the different parts of the muscles. Stretching should never be painful and is always an individual thing. So don’t compare how far others can stretch, stick within your flexibility and muscle range when you begin. You may discover some muscles are tighter than others while performing all the stretches. The stiffer muscles are the ones you need to stretch more. They are more prone to cause fatigue and injury. Have in mind that these stretches for stiff leg muscles just scratch the surface in correcting muscle imbalances.
  1. Hip Flexors stretch – As shown, you stretch until you feel a slight stretch in your hip flexors.
    Hip Flexors Stretch
  2. Thigh/Quad stretch – Place your freehand against a chair, sofa or wall and stretch out the thigh.
    Tigh/Quad Stretch
  3. IT Band Stretch
    IT Band Stretch
  4. Hamstring Stretch
    Hamstring Stretch
  5. Groin Stretch
    Groin Stretch
  6. Calf Stretch
    Calf Stretch

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