everyone has suffered the pain of a headache. Headaches can last for a
few hours up to several days, and sometimes involve symptoms such as
sensitivity to light and nausea. They can impact daily life when they
occur frequently or for an extended period of time. The most common
types of Chronic Headaches are muscle tension and vascular headaches.
Muscle tension headaches produce dull, constant pain on both sides of
the head and may also involve an aching neck or sensitive scalp. They
generally start slowly and can last from hours to days. Muscle tension
headaches are sometimes called muscle contraction headaches because it
is the tightening of the muscles of the head, face and neck that causes
the pain. This is why tension headache sufferers often describe their
pain as tightening bands around the forehead or along the base of the
Massage is one natural alternative to allopathic medicine that can help relieve chronic headaches while avoiding the side effects that often accompany prescription and over-the-counter medications. Massage therapy helps to relieve both types of headaches by easing muscle tension, relieving muscle spasms, releasing shortened muscles, and relaxing tension held in the muscles of the head, shoulders, and neck. When muscle tension eases, there is less pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that supply them. Oxygen-rich blood circulation improves, which also relieves pain. Massage therapy not only helps the muscles of the body to relax but also effectively reduces the anxiety and mental stress that can cause or exacerbate headaches. Regular, ongoing massage therapy can also help to prevent headaches by helping to reduce overall stress and maintain emotional balance.